MegaMAID's Parenting Parables

Life moves fast! Taking time to write (or read) about it sometimes helps keep things in perspective. Below you'll find a few thoughts from Meg, a MAID in Maryland...

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Location: Maryland, United States

“Mother Addicted to Irish Dance” (MAID) is a title that I first began to earn in the summer of 2003. Watching my daughter express the music of my ancestry through this beautiful art form stirred in me a joy that was … all-consuming! It led to an “addiction” that I continue to feed as a parent, as a writer, as an adult dancer, and as an enthusiastic Craic participant.

July 29, 2006

How to enjoy an outdoor feis on a rainy day...

1. Get in the car at 6am and drive for two hours while hoping against hope that you’ll drive out of the bad weather.
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2. Keep your sense of humor, and surround yourself with those who laughingly say, “Tell me again why we’re here today in this weather!”
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3. Improvise. And marvel at the smart people who actually brought tents.
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4. Keep in mind that kids grow, so those shoes weren’t going to fit too much longer anyway.
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5. Enjoy listening to the difference in sound of a soggy hardshoe in the middle of the stage as compared to the same hardshoe in the puddles at the edges of the stage.
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6. When finished dancing, visit the Celtic Fling exhibits for a walk across the Misty Bridge. What’s a bit of mist after a downpour of raindrops so big that they bounced, causing it to rain up as much as down?!
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7. And when the rain stops after the competitions are finished (Murphy’s Law … what would an Irish event be without Murphy in attendance?!), do something that you would not have the opportunity to do at any other feis in the world – enjoy a ride on Wrinkles, the elephant!
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8. On the drive home, stop for a delicious dinner (in our case, at An Poitin Stil in Timonium, MD) and toast a successful family outing! Then laugh as the skies open once again, this time with lots of thunder and lightning, just as the plan to attend the Celtic Fling Feis again next year was being discussed …!!!!
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